Young Doctor Programme Series: 3rd Posting at Nuclear, Oncology and Radiotherapy (NOR)

Greetings to all.


Today, I release the third part of Young Doctor Programme Series, and sorry for release it a bit late. For those who still not read the first part and second part, you can do so by checking previous post.

The third posting was conducted on second day. Please enjoy your reading.


It was second day of Young Doctor Programme. We arrived early at the HUSM. The weather also very good today. After we arrived at HUSM at 8.00 a.m., all of us moved towards Dewan Rufaidah to gather before we were starting our next posting. While waiting the time to 9.00 a.m., Sister who in charge us asked the students to come in front and told their experience on their first and second posting. The stories were very funny and also a little bit sad.

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Young Doctor Programme Series: 2nd Posting at 1 Mutiara Ward

Greetings to all.

katil di icu

This is the second part of Young Doctor Programme Series. You can read first part for the first posting at 3 Selatan Ward. Second posting was done at 1 Mutiara Ward which is an ICU – Intensive Care Unit. Have a read for the second part!

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Young Doctor Programme Series: 1st Posting at 3 Selatan Ward

Greetings to all.

doktor dan steteskop

This is the first part of my report for Young Doctor Programme that I mention in previous entry. I just do minor correction in the report. Happy reading!


On 25th of June 2006, a group consist of two out of 100 students as the participant of Young Doctor Programme held in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) Kubang Kerian were placed at 3 Selatan Ward for the first posting in this programme. My group member was Khairul Afif. We were quite nervous at first as it was our first time.

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Young Doctor Programme Series: A Lifetime Experience at HUSM

Greetings to all.

Browsing the old files in my laptop, I found a folder that dated back to 2006. At that time, I still in Form 5. Guest what? It is the report for Young Doctor Programme organized by Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) Kubang Kerian.

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